Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Still Asking for a Sign

Now I can really identify with the people who are speaking with Jesus in the gospel. He told them in yesterday's gospel that they seek him not because they saw the sign but because they ate the bread and were filled.

If they saw Jesus multiply the loaves what sign did they not see? Yesterday, I reflected on the signs I ask for when I want to be assured of God's love for me or that I am on the right path. Today, I am aware of how much I do not see and how much I continue to ask for the same sign over and over. The people who saw Jesus mulitply the loaves and who ate their fill, now ask Jesus again for a sign. The sign they ask for is one like the one Moses did in the desert when they had bread miraculously and ate their fill. Isn't that the sign they just saw? How come they don't see it?

I keep asking to be fed in various ways. I am like this crowd of people. Jesus tells them that he is the bread. That doesn't seem to be enough for them or for me. Jesus says that if they accept him and eat this bread they will never be hungry again. Now that would be a sign--never to hunger again. I claim to believe in Jesus, I receive Jesus in the Eucharist. But I am always hungering for more evidence that I am loved. Obviously I do not really see the sign.

Today, I want to be aware of all the hungers that haunt me and keep me from seeing that Jesus is present in my life and that there is no need to long for any other sign.

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