Thursday, September 03, 2009

So many fish, why the empty nets?
I can identify with Peter. My efforts usually do not produce the abundant results I envision. Labor all day and catch nothing is a familar feeling. So the gospel spoke to me about what I can do and what God can do. Trust. Trust. Trust. It is the call for the day. And be amazed at what God does. I'll try to do that today and then to leave all my own efforts in God's hands and follow.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Discerning where God Calls Me
I been thinking about how the things I desrie most in life require me to let go of some of my self-centeredness. I most want to love and be loved. Yet I hate being vulnerable. I don't especially like to risk either. So there you are. There is no way to allow myself to be in loving relationship without risking being hurt or losing some of my ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want and however I want. This is true of wanting to love God as well. Risk! and Accept being vulnerable. It is a great ride and an amazing journey.