Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today's gospel was about letting the weeds grow with the wheat till the harvest. It set me to thinking about our rush to have answers in the discernment process. Can we be patient enough to relax and believe that God will care for the outcome if we are faithful to the process?

Johannes Baptist Metz in a little book, Poverty of Spirit, talks about the innate poverty of being human. We are never complete. Much as we long to know definitively who we are and where we are going, it is the nature of being human that we are never finished becoming or arriving. I think that has implications for discernment. There is an urge in us to "be there" to be finished and know with certainty the path for the journey. We can know that the end is union with God, but the path is determined day by day in the choices we make. We are not finished and we cannot have the kind of certitude we want. That is what it is to be human. And since Jesus accepted being human, it is a good sign that we should too.

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