Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday we had a meeting to hear about the summer total congregation meeting in France. The day included reports on what the various provinces of the congregation saw as the important events of the last five years and also what they saw as the direction we need to go in the future.

It was a fruitful day and one filled with hope. At the meetings in France, the discussion of the points which came from all over the world, centered on the need to live more intensely what we call our four fundamental virtues: poverty, simplicity, charity and abaondonment of Divine Providence. In terms of our ministry there was a strong emphasis on working with those who are on the margins where we are. For us that seems to be immigrants. There was a lot of discussion of "throwing in our lot" with them or sharing in whatever ways we can their life and struggles.

I find all this exciting as well as challenging.

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