Saturday, April 19, 2008

Show us the Father

I am very much like the disciples in today's gospel. I keep asking to see more clearly. "Show us the Father." And I don't always get the answer Jesus gives. "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." And then I want to know where I have seen Jesus. It is hard to accept what I know is the answer--in all those I meet and in every circumstance of my life. At this point that is consoling but also disappointing. I am grateful that the opportunities to see and respond to Jesus are so near and so abundant. But I am disappointed that they are so ordinary and still not as clear as I would like. This is part of the struggle of discernment. Figuring out just what is being revealed in all those ordinary events of life.

I conclude that it will take much practice over a long time for me to begin to have clarity about what others are calling me to and what others are revealing about the path God has for me. It will take many moments of prayerful reflection on the events of my day and my history before I have even a modicum of clarity. Patience and fidelity are part of the discernment process and also being able to accept some fogginess. It will still take trust to respond. I would like the kind of clarity that leave no room for risk.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

God in My History

The section of Acts of the Apostles which we read today, includes a history of the people of Isreal with the intent of seeing God acting in it and preparing for the coming of Christ. We could probably do a review of our personal history in the same way--with a view to seeing how God has been providing for us and preparing us for this moment from the very beginning. This would be a good exercise for discernment--a survey of all the moments of my life, in the presence of Christ. How has God been acting and where is God calling me now in view of what has been going on in my life?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


John's gospel asks us to consider whether we are light or darkness in the world, whether we move toward and move others toward faith or toward rejection of the gospel message. Jesus is the light of the world. How can I reflect that light today?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


The shepherd knows the name of each of his sheep and the sheep know the voice of the shepherd. Works out very neatly. This moving gospel story appeals to me. It sets up such a fine and effective relationship--like the depth of love that contributes so completely to the wellbeing of each of those involved.

Don't we all long to have someone know us and love us for who we are--as the theme song from "Cheers" imples? It captured something so true. And here we are with a gospel story that says there is someone who knows our name--knows us to the depth of our being--and loves us so much that we can hear the care he has when he speaks our name. If we could only trust him, as sheep trust the one who faithfully feeds them. All day I have been relishing the thought that I am loved and cared for by this good shepherd. And all day I have been wishing I could clearly hear that voice calling me and that I would have the courage to respond with complete love and selflessness.

Two things essential for discernment are knowing that we are loved and trusting the one who calls. Without those we would be too fearful to listen and to respond. Prayer will help us grow in both these essentials.