Friday, April 04, 2008

Two Dried Fish

Two dried fish (and five barley loaves) seem quite small when thousands need to be fed. But look at what can be done with small gifts that are given over to Jesus Christ. My reflections led me to think about discernment and the focus that sometimes happens in the midst of it--a focus on our own inadequacy or the smallness of our gifts. But if we hold back from following our call because we feel unworthy or inadequate, how will the crowds ever be fed?

There is a point in discernment of call when we stop looking at ourselves and look to God, when we generously offer whatever we have and know that God can use our smallness to do great things. We will not be the ones who ultimately produce the fruit alone. Focusing on ourselves at some point becomes self-centeredness and self-importance. It is not our gift that matters so much as God's power to use our gift.

The boy disappears quickly from the story. All eyes are on Jesus. But the boy did give over the fish and loaves. Without them the miracle would not have happened as it did.

Are you ready to give over your gifts and allow God to be you strength as you follow your call?

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