Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Discernment Opportunities
Sometimes when we are making a major choice or trying to determine how God is calling us to live out our commitment, we can get into a rut in our own minds--going round and round and getting nowhere except back to the place where we started. Sometimes, saying out loud what is going on in our heads and hearts helps us more a step forward. Even better is saying these things aloud to someone else. Feedback helps. What someone else hears us saying can be very insightful.So...If you are going round and round about how God is calling you--to married life, single life or life as a vowed religious, here is a great opportunity.An Evening of Discernment at St. Anne Convent/Moye Spiritual Life Center on September 6, 2007. We will begin at 7 PM and end at 11 PM. Why not join us. Contact Sr. Fidelis Tracy CDP at

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