Sunday, November 29, 2009

Every year Advent starts with a reading about "the sky is falling."  But it is a message of hope that God is about to establish a new heaven and a new earth.  I love advent and all the expectant joy of waiting.  But I am not very good at waiting in my daily life.  I am going to spend advent trying not to keep asking "why?"  Why is the world not at peace?  Why haven't we stopped global warming?  Why don't we have universal health care?  Why have I not managed to become the perfect teacher?  Why am I not tolerant of everyone?, etc. etc.  Let me spend these days trusting (and of course doing the best I can to bring about the things I hope for).  The joy is in the trust and the hope. 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Discerning Motives
I have been teaching about the Book of Job this week in my Old Testament class. The opening is always a challenge for me. The "accuser" who interacts with God believes that Job is only righteous because he knows God will give him wonderful rewards. God seems to believe that Job is righteous purely out of love and reverence for God. And so the challenge--the bet--to find out the truth. Job proves God is right. God wins this bet. Job remains righteous even without the expected rewards.

But the passage always raises the question for me about my motivation for good moral conduct or for the choices I make. One of my students said that the question in the passage was like my asking if they study because they want to know the subject matter, or only to get a grade. The opinion seemed to be that the grade was the only reason for learning. A little disappointing.

But I got to thinking about discernment and the reason we really do want to know what God desires of us when we make our choices. Would I, would you, make a choice purely because we see it as the way to reverence and honor God? And does reverence for God always include a truly deep respect for myself as well?

Thursday, September 03, 2009

So many fish, why the empty nets?
I can identify with Peter. My efforts usually do not produce the abundant results I envision. Labor all day and catch nothing is a familar feeling. So the gospel spoke to me about what I can do and what God can do. Trust. Trust. Trust. It is the call for the day. And be amazed at what God does. I'll try to do that today and then to leave all my own efforts in God's hands and follow.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Discerning where God Calls Me
I been thinking about how the things I desrie most in life require me to let go of some of my self-centeredness. I most want to love and be loved. Yet I hate being vulnerable. I don't especially like to risk either. So there you are. There is no way to allow myself to be in loving relationship without risking being hurt or losing some of my ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want and however I want. This is true of wanting to love God as well. Risk! and Accept being vulnerable. It is a great ride and an amazing journey.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Remembering and Forgetting
It seems God only remembers us as a beautiful and lovable creation. God forgets all the things about us that we tend to remember about ourselves as faulty or failing in many ways. Do we all focus on our shortcomings and dwell or what seems like failure in our lives? Do we all find it hard to love ourselves? God's love is amazing and eternal.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Joseph and the Dream Coat
The reflection I read this morning about Joseph (of the amazing technicolor dream coat) talked about his ability to live without resentment or vengence. He did not try to get even with his brothers who sold him or the pharaoh who had him imprisoned unjustly. He seemed to do whatever needed to be done to promote the wellbeing of those around him. That is admirable. I hope to emulate that attitude.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Day of Prayer
Taking a day to pray is a good thing, but I do not have time to put aside my "do list" for the day. So I am going to try to do everything in a prayerful way today. Trying to figure out what that means, though. I will have to concentrate pretty hard on the tasks of the day. Maybe I can just be aware of why I am doing what I am doing. Good question, "why?". Right now I am resolving to do everything for the glory of God. I am going to renew that resolve each time I start a new task today. Ah. Lent. It is calling me to a center.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lenten Practices
It has been such a long time since I blogged. I have been far too busy. If lent is to be a time of renewal, I think my resolve must be to take more time for reflection and spend less time fretting about what is and what is not finished. I am praying that I can be more reflective and also more patient with persons and things.